At SIP Management we set out to make effective intellectual property (IP) management available and affordable to all in order to enable and promote innovation and creative development.
Today as we continue to grow our platform and community, we are pleased to announce the launch of our IP & NFT pilot project .
How does intellectual property correlate to NFTs (Non fungible tokens)?
You can learn more by reading our blog post on the subject.
The IP & NFT pilot project aims to demonstrate the use cases of blockchain technology for the effective management of intellectual property rights and more specifically copyrights.
Copyrights are the backbone upon which many businesses are built and in particular those in the creative industries.
By effectively leveraging copyrights and the unique features of NFTs we are able to create a unique asset that can help finance creative projects, while making these more attractive to investors or in this case NFT buyers/collectors.
NFTs as a tool to finance creative projects and creative businesses.
About the pilot project
For our pilot project we are collaborating with a roster of amazing artists from around the world to celebrate the UN International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development.
Leading our roster is Leslie Lumeh, the most renowned and celebrated visual artist from Liberia ,with an amazing life story and international career spanning close to 30 years.
From fleeing a civil war in his home country, to exhibiting his watercolors paintings across Africa, Europe and the US and teaching underprivileged kids, Leslie Lumeh work has captivated, inspired and impacted many.
The brutal civil war Leslie Lumeh fled, was captured in the movie Beast of No Nation starring Idris Elba; but little did he know back then, that his work will be used decades later to save lives in the fight against the 2016 Ebola pandemic.
At SIP Management, our team is honored to collaborate with Leslie and to bring about this exclusive project, whose proceeds will help fund an art institute in Monrovia, the capital city of Liberia.
“IP & NFT” featuring Art by Leslie Lumeh
A collection of 4 unique NFTs based on four iconic paintings produced by Leslie Lumeh between the year 2017 and 2020, at the height of the global pandemic.
The NFTs will be minted and made available on OpenSea.io, the world's biggest NFTs marketplace.
The bidding process will start on July the 16th at 12:00 GMT and will run for 48h
A collection of copyrighted merchandise with worldwide delivery, will be launched and made available through our website online shop on the same day.
How can you take part ?
You can support Leslie Lumeh work by taking part on this pilot project through purchasing one of the four NFTs to be minted of buying the copyrighted merchandise.
To buy the NFT you will need the following :
An Ethereum wallet
ETH (Ethereum blockchain cryptocurrency).
NFTs are smart contracts created on the Ethereum blockchain and available for sale and purchase with ETH (The Ethereum Blockchain Cryptocurrency) or other compatible cryptocurrencies.
For more information on how to set up and purchase these NFTs on the OpenSea marketplace please follow the link https://support.opensea.io/hc/en-us
Alternatively, reach out for any support or to place a bid using any other form of cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies ( GBP, USD. EUR ).
Drop us a line via our chat box!
Creativity drives our world and makes it more enjoyable and colourful. By making effective intellectual Property (IP) management affordable and accessible to all, we aim to empower and enable creativity and innovation at scale.
To find out more about our platform and community, check out our blog posts and FAQ page.
Discover Leslie Lumeh work here : www.leslielumeh.com
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